Puppy “ Gotcha Day” has finally arrived! Are you prepared? Did you read everything about the do’s & don’ts of puppy rearing? This probably made you even more nervous, didn’t it?
You will find almost everything you need to know on this page. You’ve got this!
Your puppy comes with a one year genetic health guarantee. To keep the guarantee valid, your puppy must be seen within 72 hours of ownership. Your puppy will come to you having completed several wormings and it’s first set of vaccinations. BEFORE your puppy comes home, you need to book a “ wellness visit”/ appointment with your vet that meets the timeline, that the guarantee states, (within the first 3 days in your care). Your Vet will do a wellness check to see if he agrees with what my Vet has said, about the puppy’s health. Your vet will then schedule your puppy to continue his vaccinations and wormings.
***PARVO IS DEADLY TO A PUPPY if he has not had all of his vaccinations! ***
DO NOT let puppy walk on Vet’s property inside or outside. Carry your puppy at all times. Make sure you see them disinfect the weight scales and exam table BEFORE placing puppy on it.
1. To walk on any sidewalks, grass, no roadside potty breaks.
2. No dog parks, trips to PetSmart or any stores, not even if riding in the cart or being carried. Parvo is also airborne!
3. Your puppy should remain in his own yard and home until he’s had at least 4 Parvo vaccinations.
Do your research on Parvo and learn where your puppy can get it, and the dangers of having it.
It is up to you to keep your puppy safe. Puppy proof your home to protect your puppy.
A puppy playpen with a travel crate or soft bed is an ideal setup to keep your puppy safe while they adjust to their new surroundings. It keeps them out of trouble ( chewed wires, table legs, toys etc) while you are busy or working.
Click black box below to go to list of items needed.
Your puppy is unique. You can’t compare it to what someone else’s puppy is doing or achieving at the same age. That is judging and not fair to your puppy. His learning curve will be his own, he will come with his own timeline. Enjoy and love your puppy. Try to understand just this, your puppy didn’t have an accident on the floor on purpose or chewed your dining table leg deliberately. He’s just being a puppy, they really want to please us more than anything. Give him time to learn all that he must learn. Be patient, keep repeating your training methods... then repeat some more. Some puppies take longer to learn something new. Be fair to your puppy. ❤️
There are thousands of links on the internet, and books to buy on potty training. This is what I do and what works for me. You can adjust the schedule however you want.
Potty 6 AM for 30 minutes minimum in yard. DO NOT BRING INTO HOUSE ANY SOONER. Do not talk to puppy other than to say “ go potty.” Leave some poop there, so puppy will smell and see it the next time. Bring treats and praise when successful. Always go out the same door and take puppy to the same spot.
Put back in kennel/ pen for an hour. Give puppy a special toy to play with during this time. This gives you time to get dressed, have your breakfast.
7:00 feed and water, 1/3 - cup dry kibble food (add one teaspoon of canned wet food and one teaspoon of water to moisten) NU-VET LABS PLUS ( vitamins &Probiotics). Puppies and adult dogs need probiotics once daily, to keep a healthy flora in their intestines. Be sure to slightly moisten the kibble; some puppies can choke on dry kibble if they eat too fast.) Water in separate bowl. I feed in the/pen. Give Nu-Vet Plus only once a day.
Let puppy remain in kennel/pen to digest food. In 5 minutes take out to potty, they have to go immediately after eating. Bring treats and give lots of praise.
***Puppy gets playtime . ***Be sure to alternate puppy’s toys daily. This way he’ll not get bored with them.
” PLAYTIME” can be individual time alone in playpen, or in one room of your home where you are with him.
BEDTIME- puppy can sleep in the playpen or in a separate crate set up in your bedroom, that is your decision to make.
8:30 AM potty, 30 minutes minimum in yard.
10:30 give water, put in kennel/pen ***Nap time.
12:00 potty time 30 min.
12:30 PM Feed & water
( in kennel/pen) in 5 minutes take out to potty. 30 minutes minimum.
2:00 give water, put puppy back in kennel/pen.
***Nap time.
Potty outside 30 minutes minimum.
4:30 feed & water, 5 minutes later let outside to potty for 30 minutes.
Give water at 6 pm
7:00 potty for 30 minutes, then put in kennel/pen. This is quiet time/bedtime.
9:30- last potty time for 30 minutes.
NO PLAYTIME. Put back in kennel/pen.
I give plain Cheerios for treats, it doesn’t give puppies dirreah like treats that are too rich do.
For however old the puppy is in months, that is the max time in between potty times. When they wake up, take them out immediately.
Puppy is 2 months old , every 1 1/2 - 2 hours go potty.
3 months - every 2 1/2 -3 hours
4 months - every 3 1/2 -4 hours
Etc. etc.
Remember, your goal each month is to stretch out potty times. The 2nd week home, add 30 minutes to the length of time in between potty times. In another 2 weeks afterwards ( which will be a month since you first brought puppy home) add another 30 minutes. Keep doing this every two weeks. By 5 months puppy should be able to wait at least 4 hours in between potty breaks. I never make a dog or puppy wait longer than this, it’s not good for it’s kidneys.
I feed my puppies Iams Puppy kibble ( yellow bag with pink banner at the bottom of bag, it has smaller pieces than the plain yellow bag). For picky eaters I will mix one teaspoon of Iams Puppy canned puppy food to the dry kibble. Slightly wet the dry kibble with water. Puppies need dry kibble to chew on to help with teething. Add daily NU-VET LABS PLUS (Probiotics & vitamins) to the food in the morning only. These are the best probiotics that I have found. They are not found in stores. Click on the button below to order with my special code ( included). Water in a separate bowl. Use stainless bowls or glass bowls only. Plastic bowls can harbor bacteria in the scratches and cracks. Keep treats to a minimum.
Prepare your puppy for a good night‘s sleep by giving it plenty of exercise right before bedtime. Take out all toys from playpen and crate, except for one to snuggle with. I don’t suggest putting puppy in your room to sleep. He needs to learn to self comfort, himself. There will be times you’ll be on vacation etc. and puppy will be at Grandmas or somewhere. If puppy is in a crate, cover it with a towel, leave some air space to breathe. Play a radio on low, or turn on a sound machine. Something to take away the extreme quietness of the night. Some people set a clock for every 3 hours to take puppy out to potty during the night. Some people put a pee pad down. This is your preference to do.
Puppy will probably howl and cry. Go to it and place it on it’s blanket and say ”night night.” You should be there less than 5 minutes. Do not talk to puppy, reassuring it that everything is ok, he will misinterpret this to be praise ( this is positive reinforcement for howling!) Puppy will probably continue to cry, wait at least 15-20 minutes before returning to puppy to see if it can settle itself down. If not, repeat what you did before, place puppy on blanket ( no pats or petting) say “ night night,” and leave. Wait a longer time in between returning to puppy. Eventually he will tire and settle himself.
“SNUGGLE PUPPY” stuffed toy is perfect for naptime & nighttime. I recommend getting one for your puppy.
I can not stress this more! DO NOT take your puppy to be groomed before it has finished all of it’s vaccinations. PARVO IS DEADLY! It can be carried in on your shoes if you go to a pet store or anywhere other dogs have been. Change your outdoor shoes to indoor ones every time you have left your home, and return. Once puppy has had all vaccinations, you don’t have to do this .
Your puppy needs to get used to being handled while being groomed. In between trips to your groomer, you should bathe your puppy,
about every 1-2 weeks. I use NU-VET LABS products. It is not found in stores. You need to get the shampoo, conditioning spray and ear cleaning solution. Puppies need their ears cleaned out weekly. Click on button to order your NU-VET LABS products using my special code ( already set up).
Brush all tangles out before shampooing. Use lukewarm water, be sure to rinse shampoo out throughly. Sit puppy on your lap and use the blow dryer on low speed. Brush and comb puppy after it’s dry. Combing gets down to the root area, brushing only will skim over the roots, leaving them to get matted. No groomer will make a puppy suffer through pulling out mats. They will shave it off. You will be upset; this is your fault for not grooming properly in between groomings. It is not the groomers fault. So use that comb daily!
While your puppy is young, his nails are thin. You can just nip the tips off weekly with your nail clippers. When he gets older, his nails will get thicker. A quiet nail grinder is good to use.
Use blunt ended scissors to trim this area often. These same scissors can be used to trim hair out of his eyes. Clean the scissors after using them on each area of the puppy. Use alcohol wipes for cleaning.
Some people think an 8 week old puppy is too young to be trained and to learn. Wrong! Your puppy’s mind is like a sponge right now. Now is the time to train. 15 minutes a day is all a young puppy needs, but it needs it DAILY. A puppy learns best by repeating over and over and then over again. Always reward with praise and treats. Never use a harsh tone. Puppies do not understand every word we say, they understand our tone of voice. K.I.S.S. is the key, Keep It Short & Simple. You don’t have to teach in sentences. Use short words only. A puppy should learn to ” come” asap. This is the main lesson. Teach him the basic commands first: come, stay, down, sit. Then you can add no bite, off, drop it, bring it and others. There are lots of training aids on how to train your puppy. My favorite trainer and one who trains like I do is Cesar Millan. He has videos on the internet and books.
** I highly recommend all of the products at NU-VET LABS. Click on one of the black NU-VET buttonS above to order. My special code is already included. **
At NuVet Labs® we know that a major cause of poor health in our beloved pets is the lack of proper nutrition with their diets. This is the main reason we developed NuVet Plus®. NuVet Plus® is the culmination of 8 years of research and development, formulated with the goal of creating a nutrient-rich formula that would surpass mere vitamin replenishment. Instead, the supplement provides full-spectrum nutritional support that focuses on boosting your pet’s immune system and overall health.
Keeping your pet’s immune system strong is crucial in today’s environment. Household toxins, fertilizers, pesticides, and even many of today’s pet foods leave your pet’s immune system susceptible. Regular and even premium brand pet foods can contain toxins, bad bacteria, and “meat by-products” (an industry term for anything other than meat). Other common ingredients are fillers like corn, wheat and barley. These food ingredients and other environmental factors are prime sources for poor health in your pet.
Our team of pet industry scientists, veterinarians, and medical specialists created NuVet Plus® to be a high-quality supplement that incorporates a precise formula of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs and more. NuVet Plus® brings together vital ingredients that perform synergistically to help improve your pet’s health and keep them healthy. Our supplement is made using Natural ingredients that are formulated in a FDA Registered Facility using CGMP standards.
NuVet Plus® ingredients and nutrients are compounded to maintain their integrity and bio-digestibility for complete cellular infusion. We use special “paddle dried,” whole chicken liver that provides vitamin potency, as well as a taste your pet will love. Please view our full Ingredient List and descriptions to understand how these essential elements can help your pet get started on a path to optimal health as well as help them maintain a quality life full of vigor, vitality, comfort, and energy.
NuVet® products were developed over a span of eight years by three veterinarians, a nutritional scientist, a pharmacist, and a physician who were fed up with sub-standard nutrition and nutritional supplements in the pet industry. Their goal was to develop a holistic natural supplement that would get to the source of the problem and not just treat the symptoms.
Using natural ingredients, NuVet Labs® utilizes cold processing so the ingredients rich nutrients are retained. They are also quickly absorbed by your pet's metabolism, providing the maximum effectiveness available.
NuVet Labs® supplements are some of the few pet products actually Made in a FDA Registered Facility using CGMP standards and contain solely natural ingredients. Virtually no other pet products are made this way, due to the expense and strict monitoring required. Many pet food and supplement companies are notorious for being unregulated making their safeguards and purity levels nowhere near that of our highest quality products. It’s no wonder the news is filled with horror stories of how these products become tainted by toxins that seep into dog food and supplements, causing harm to pets.